Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Puppy love

Everyone walked around at a leisurely pace, with no where to go, and nothing to do. I, being on holidays for the first time in weeks, felt it was my duty to do the same. I found a park and sat down to "people watch", something that I just never had time to do in Shanghai. While scanning I noticed a few intersting people. An old man collecting bottles, a little girl trying to get her father to buy her an ice-cream, and finally, a couple in love. Puppy Love, as I call it. Puppy Love is defined by the love you feel when you first fall in love. Blind, heart pounding, sweaty hands, high flying, do anything for the person kind of love that most of us experience at the beginning of relationships. The couple were only about 18. The boy sat with his girlfriends head in his lap. He seemed entranced by her beauty, slowly stroking her tanned smooth face with shaking hands. The girl, fast asleep, was in a position that made her mouth cock open so slightly it was just enough for a kiss. The boy noticed this and saw this as his chance. He looked around the park (I sat on some grass behind a tree) and proceeded to fulfill his unlawful desire. His head moved closer to hers, so that he was only inches above her nose. He looked around nervously, almost already ashamed about what he was going to do. He gently rose his hand, ran it over her cheek once more. From where I sat I could here his heart pounding. Finally, he worked up the courage. He ran his hand over his sleeping beauty's face one last time and then stuck his fingers in her mouth.
The girl didn't notice, he shot up and took a quick look around, then giggled helplessly until his maiden awoke.
I guess he wasn't ready for the kiss yet, ah, puppy love will do just fine.

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